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Build an on the go, anywhere workout using your name! Get a friend involved and use both or names, add your last name or repeat your name 2-3x to get a full workout in! … Depending on how long your name is!
A - 20 Squats
B - 35 Jumping Jacks
C - 20 Arm Circles
D - 30 Second Plank
E - 15 Burpees
F - 10 Push-Ups
G - 1 Minute Wall Sit
H - 20 Lunges
I - 25 Donkey Kicks
J - 20 Crunches
K - 20 Burpees
L - 1 Minute Plank
M - 20 Russian Twist
N - 15 Leg Lifts
O - 10 Windshield Wipes
P - 15 Squats
Q - 20 Mountain Climbers
R - 20 Burpees
S - 15 Donkey Kicks
T - 25 Arm Circles
U - 30 Jumping Jack
V - 25 Squats
W - 15 Lunges
X - 15 Crunches
Y - 15 Russian Twist
Z - 15 Windshield Wipes
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