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We are already at the end of January 2022! Have you set your S.M.A.R.T Goals for the year?
If you haven’t you will definitely want to download the S.M.A.R.T. goals sheet and set up your goals so that you continue your progress well into 2022!
Today I want to give you some tips and tricks to consider when setting goals for training.
Many people are just getting started to workout for the first time or maybe it has been years! Perhaps you do workout but not as consistently as you should.
If any of these ring a bell you need to ask yourself, why? Why is it that you are just now saying I want to workout consistently and what has stopped you in the past?
Think about those questions and write down your answers.
Now within the S.M.A.R.T goal process you will need to set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time sensitive goals. What does this mean for working out?
Well, again why have you not been working out? No interest, not enough time, you do not know what to do?
Working out is not easy! You are forcing your body to work to be healthier, more fit, flexible, stronger, etc and all of that takes work. So if you say you have never been interested in working out, in order to achieve a fitness or health goal you need to start by finding something you at the very least do not hate! It can be going for a walk, taking a group exercise class, maybe you rather do an on demand dance class at home, or work with a trainer to show you a more fun way of working out!
If you tell me you do not have enough time. I challenge you to sit down and look at your schedule and see where you have 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30minues, 45, or an hour that is flexible or free. Now block that off as health time for you. Now depending on the time you have, that is what you use. Even just 10 minutes is better than nothing! It can be a 10 minute walk, stretch or quick HIIT workout. Maybe you have 45 minutes to go to the gym and then you spend 30 minutes going from machine to machine as a circuit. Just go and get your body moving! Or maybe you see, you have an hour in the morning while grandma watches the baby and you can take a spin class! The point is to get started!
Now you tell me… well you do not know where to get started!
This is when you ask for help. Whether you have a weight loss, strength, a goal to just be healthier, or find a way to workout and have fun, finding a trainer to help you get started is really important! Trainers and Dietitians specialize in helping people make health and fitness a healthy and enjoyable habit
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