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Fasted training sessions seem to be all the rage! But are they really all they are cracked up to be?
In short no. Research has shown fasted training or cardio sessions do not lead to any more weight loss. If anything it may actually hinder muscle growth and recovery.
Now it is completely understandable if you are someone who trains or does cardio fasted because you wake up super early, are in a hurry, just are not hungry when you wake up, or maybe you are trying to save calories for your other meals.
If any of the situations above sounds like you then you should consider drinking BCAAs before or during your workout.
If you do not eat before your workout in the morning then you risk not recovering as well, being sore, losing more muscle versus fat and even having more cravings later on in the day.
BCAAs contain the essential amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These amino acid help prevent all the negative consequences of training fasted. These amino acids provide your muscle with the bare minimum building blocks needed for recovery warding off catabolic effects!
If you need to train fasted the BCAAs are your best friend yo make the most of your training, recovery and progress.
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